Planning controls released

PLANNING Minister Matthew Guy has finally released the much anticipated Ports and Environs Committee report.
The report, which outlines new planning controls for Victoria’s ports and directly affects the proposed development at the Port Phillip Woollen Mill site, has recommended that the Port Environs Overlay apply in the Point Gellibrand precinct to the areas bounded by Nelson Place and Ann St, Aitkin St, and Kanowna St and the areas of Aitken St, Windsor Terrace, Cecil St and Kanowna St.
However Mr Guy has not agreed to this recommendation.
In his response, Mr Guy said he accepted the recommendations of a separate advisory committee on a proposal for the site and has applied a Design and Development Overlay on the land.
Save Williamstown spokesperson Godfrey Moase said he was dismayed the Minister rejected “the report’s sensible recommendation”.
“Apparently the operations of the Point Gellibrand Major Hazard Facility don’t deserve to be taken into account in the decision making process for a major development in Williamstown,” Mr Moase said.
“Never before have I seen a State Government actually put the lives of residents at risk by ignoring the advice of its own experts.”
Hobsons Bay Director Planning and Environment Peter Gaschk said the council welcomed the Minister’s release of the report and the Minister’s Response to the Report’s Recommendations but will make a further statement after assessing and considering all of its implications.

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