Learning the limits of licences


TEENAGERS and their parents are being encouraged to attend tomorrow’s community road safety forum in a bid to educate young drivers on the restrictions that apply to them when they first obtain their licence.
Melton Police Inspector Stephen Mutton said the aim of the forum was to help parents play a bigger part in the safety of their children and have a greater understanding about the L and P phases and the graduated licensing restrictions that are imposed.
Insp Mutton said there will be a number of different speakers, including local police, a driving instructor, VicRoads representatives and members of the public who are involved in road safety.
Melton City Council road safety and active transport officer Jan Webb said parents were often unaware of the rules P-plate drivers must adhere to when they first receive their licence.
Ms Webb said one of the restrictions which is often not followed is that P1 probationary drivers are only permitted to carry one passenger, irrespective of age, for the balance of the P1 period on re-issue.
“What we’re trying to do is get parent input on the graduating licensing system with a focus on education,” Ms Webb said.
“We want parents to influence their kids and play a part in keeping their children safe … the restrictions are in place for a reason.”
Ms Webb said past participants of the road safety forum are welcome to come to the event and offer expertise on the issue.
The forum will be held tomorrow evening from 7pm to 9.30pm at the Melton Community Hall, 232 High St, Melton.

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