By Vanessa Valenzuela
ST ALBANS organisation Western Chances has been awarded part of a $10,000 grant for their annual Community Grants program.
The not-for-profit organisation was presented with the funds at a special ceremony held last Tuesday.
Western Chances Chief Executive Rhyll Dorrington said the organisation was excited to receive the funds provided by the Commonwealth Bank.
“We put in funding applications for the last two years, so I wasn’t hopeful, but I put it in and I was really shocked and pleasantly surprised,” Ms Dorrington said.
Western Chances provides scholarships, programs and ongoing support for motivated young people across Melbourne’s west to help them realise their potential.
Wife of former premier Steve Bracks and founding chair of Western Chances Terry Bracks said the organisation received 85 per cent of scholarship nominations from local schools.
Scholarships were tailored for new and renewed scholarship recipients who had potential or a passion, but did not have financial support. The scholarships average at around $800 and cover the cost of textbooks, laptops, musical instruments and other educational costs. Ms Bracks founded Western Chances in 2003 after witnessing an initiative called ‘Chances for Children’ which was started by Malley Family Care in Mildura.
“I thought this would go really well in the West,” she said.
The organisation supports state primary and secondary schools in Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melton, Moonee Valley and Wyndham.
Ms Bracks said the organisation awards scholarships to “talented and motivational young people” who have “a great passion to achieve”.
Applicants for a Western Chances scholarship are nominated by a professional who knows them well.
All scholarships are merit-based, and are shaped to fit the needs of the recipient for the next 12 months.
Ms Dorrington said the organisation always accepted donations and spends a lot of its time applying to trusts and organisations for funding.
“We have huge potential to make a difference, but we need more funding,” Ms Dorrington said.
“Any donations, small or large, are very much appreciated.”
Ms Dorrington said the organisation was aiming to raise $900,000 next year.
For more information about Western Chances, visit www.westernchances.org.au