PUPILS including, from left, Katherine, Matisse, Alessia, Bella, Thomas, Blake, Gisele and Luke at St Augustine’s Primary School in Keilor learned about the history of Australia when a travelling performance group put on a show for them. The youngsters also enjoyed learning about Keilor’s 150 years of local government at the event. In addition, St Augustine’s Church in Keilor is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. The bluestone building’s parishioners have contributed their favourite recipes to a cook book which is available from the church for $10, after mass every weekend. Brimbank City Council and the church will host an opera soirée on Thursday 20 June from 6pm until 7.30pm, at a cost of $5 per head. The soirée will feature light supper, Ascot Vale tenor Brenton Spiteri and 2006 Australian National Piano Award winner Amir Farid. Bookings can be made with Hillary Hastings at Brimbank City Council on or 9249 4044. 97288 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI