Flight of fancy

FROM horses to horsepower, helicopters to horticulture, there is something for everyone at this year’s Comboyne Village Fair.

The entire village is organised to welcome visitors to the beautiful mountain plateau for a wonderful spring outing.
The annual fair is being held on Sunday 15 September and there’s plenty to see and do.
Talk to Brad Adams with the Clydesdale horses, visit the display of working historic machinery, have a great fair ride, enjoy the live music, tea room delights and more.
If you have always wanted to have a flight in a helicopter, you can book a scenic flight over Comboyne with wonderful views from the mountains to the sea.
Bookings are recommended before the fair by phoning Annie on 6550 4209, but if you decide to show up on the day and give it a go, see the Hastings Valley Helicopters crew at the showground.
The flight cost is $60 per person and the Robinson R44 Helicopter carries three passengers.
Proceeds of the annual village fair benefit the Comboyne War Memorial Hall.
Entry to the fair is only $5 for adults, with children admitted free.

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