Goldwing gathering on way

HONDA Goldwing motorcycles from all over New South Wales and Queensland will descend on Armidale from this Friday across the weekend.
The riders will prop at the Armidale Caravan and Tourist Park on Waterfall Way as part of their annual tour.
Bikers will come as far south as Canberra, as far West as Bathurst and as far north as Gayndah in Queensland.
To the uninitiated, a Honda Goldwing is the biggest touring bike on Australian roads and dates back as far as 1975. They are often described as lounges on two wheels due to their comfortable seat and riding position. Most have extras added to them to make them even more impressive.
On Saturday, a ride will leave at 10am from outside the park and head to Dorrigo and return, stopping to view the waterfall on the way.
By mid-afternoon the visiting bikes, trikes and sidecars will be lined up for a photo session in the park.
The club encourages any interested members of the local community to come have a look, take photo and chat with the riders and their passengers.

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