Bluejuice squeeze in a coastal tour

For the third year in a row, Bluejuice are packing the tiniest shorts they can find, dusting off their surfmats, reacquainting their shoulder hair with natural sunlight, and rolling their Sizzling 2012 tour into a coastal town near you.
Having just released their third and favourite album, “Company”, and having abused the airwaves for months with their devotional ode, “Act Yr Age”, Bluejuice are preparing the tour van with ripening nectarines and peaches and are ready to roll with their first tour in ages.
Sizzling 2012 will see Bluejuice and their house music pals The Aston Shuffle bring an unparalleled level of summer fruitiness and crotch sweating to the otherwise respectable coastal towns of Australia.
It’s going to be sticky.
For the urban, metropolitan, city dwelling fans of Bluejuice the band has just been announced as a national artist on the Big Day Out 2012.

Who: Bluejuice
Where: Panthers, Port Macquarie
When: Friday, January 13
Interested?: Tickets available from,
02 6580 2300 or at the venue

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