Carbon Tax – a wolf in green clothing

The carbon tax measures announced by Julia Gillard are an acceleration of the demise of a strong Australia.
It will be akin to introducing a wolf in green clothing.
The tax will not change the temperature of the planet one iota
The assumptions about the science of CO2 will overheat the planet are incorrect
CO2 will have a very minor but beneficial amount of warming of the planet as the work of scientists Lindzen and Miskolczi have found.
Instead, we are now going to impede Australian business competativeness to overseas markets.
We will pay billions for overseas carbon offsets.
We will set up a carbon accounting bureaucracy costing $382 million per year.
We will cost our bottom line by and extra $4 Billion.
We will set up white elephant wind farms that cannot supply baseload power and we will have less jobs in Australia because the tax will hurt many, all the while dealing with the usual effects of natural climate change

Leon Ashby, Climate Sceptics

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