Deficit of intellect

Our co-Prime Ministers, Julia Gillard and Bob Brown, believe the warming of the earth brought by carbon dioxide is so dangerous that all carbon emissions — of human activity, industrial processes, commerce and the flatulence of cows and sheep — now must be taxed for the sake of our survival.
Gillard and Brown say the tax will discourage the production of carbon dioxide in Australia; that the entire planet may be saved only through the far-sightedness of the Greens-Labor government. This, in spite of the geological evidence that the climate has always changed since the formation of the planet over four billion years ago; even as Ian Plimer, Professor of Mining Geology at Adelaide University, observes, “we go through regular cycles of cooling and warming” such that our existence on earth really does not influence the cooling-warming-cooling cycle of the climate of our planet (ABC Lateline TV program, 27 April 2009). Yet the federal government insists, in promoting its carbon tax, that carbon dioxide is dangerous to humans although it provides the vital component of foods we eat every day.
In short, the Greens-Labor proposal for a carbon tax is based on their refusal to examine global climate in a dispassionate, rational way. Obviously, they find it too difficult to impose upon them -selves the necessary task to think clearly about so-called “global warming”.
In this instance, Gillard and Brown and their ragtag-and-bobtail “Independent” hangers-on exhibit, yet again, their deficit of intellect.

Dr Paul Fidlon, Armidale

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