Switch on to carbon savings

THE Hastings branch of Climate Change Australia has urged us all to do what we can to reduce our carbon footprint to mark World Environment Day.
A spokesperson said we can all lessen our impact on the environment by being careful about our use of fuel and energy, by reducing the use of our cars, and by making our homes energy efficient.
“Our lifestyles are the one thing over which we have some control. By being careful in our choices, we will not only save ourselves money, but also ensure the future of our world will be good,” she said.
“Your individual changes at home can make a difference, both to you and our environment. To find out how sustainably or energy efficient you’re living, there are a number of online calculators that you can go to for help.”
She said the website of the Australian Conservation Foundation has a section called Greenhome, which has lots of interesting articles and tips about how to reduce your energy and water usage: http://www.acfonline.org.au/default.asp?section_id=86
The WWF also has an interesting site that helps you calculate your carbon footprint, with tips on how to reduce household energy use, conserve water, and look at lifestyle changes that will help you save money and the planet: http://www.wwf.org.au/our_work/people_and_the_environment/human_footprint/footprint_calculator

Top 12 things you can do
1. Switch off lights, appliances and equipment when they’re not is use.
2. Install energy-efficient light bulbs.
3. Compost those garden and food wastes and keep them out of landfill.
4. Keep your home comfortable with insulation, sealing of draughts and shading windows in summer.
5. Manage home heating and cooling by setting thermostats appropriately – a couple of degrees up in summer and a couple of degrees down in winter will save you money and reduce C02 emissions.
6. Install water-efficient showerhead, take shorter showers and wash clothes in cold water.
7. Ride a bicycle or use public transport.
9. Reduce, re-use and recycle.
10. Think about installing a solar hot water service.
11. Buy energy-efficient appliances with low standby power usage.
12. Eat less processed food and more fruit and vegetables – locally grown where possible.

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