First moments in focus

Steve Butcher in his studio where the magic happens. 113850 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


A MELTON West photographer is making a name for himself by capturing the very essence of happiness – a newborn baby.
Steve Butcher always loved taking photos but it wasn’t until 2012 that he realised his passion could indeed become a rewarding “hobbie-job” and that his work would warm the hearts of any new mum and dad.
After taking photos of his newborn son, Lincoln, and his friend’s children and launching his Facebook page Still Motion Photography, word of mouth has spread like wildfire and Steve spends most of his week in the studio with proud parents and their new bub.
“Ninety nine per cent has been word of mouth,” he told Star.
“All I’ve done is take photos and put my work up … and it’s avalanched from there.”
Steve specialises in newborn photography with many of his shots illustrating babies sleeping in vintage settings or even hanging off a tree branch, cocooned in a warm blanket – all in the safety of the studio.
“It’s challenging working with newborns, but it is also rewarding.
“The parents are absolutely stoked when they see the photos, the response has been overwhelming.”
“I always wanted to create a photo that people would be touched by.”
And while the babies in his photos might look angelic and peaceful, Steve admits there is a lot of hard work to get them to that point with most shoots taking up to three hours.
But he wouldn’t change it for a minute and with almost 2000 likes on his page, photography might one day become a career.
“It’s happened so quickly, it’s been a whirlwind but it gives you a sense of worth.”

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