School is first class

DERRIMUT Heath Primary School was the centre of celebration for 35 high performing Victorian schools last Friday, when Education and Training Minister Lynne Kosky visited.
About 80 people attended the occasion to see Ms Kosky present Derrimut Heath with an accreditation certificate confirming its status as a first class school.
Accreditation is part of a government program designed to raise education standards in schools.
By 2008, all Victorian schools must meet the five criteria to be accredited.
Teacher Sue Falla was part of the accreditation organising team at Derrimut Heath.
“The process is a chance for schools to take a look at themselves and ask, are we meeting children’s needs?” said Ms Falla.
“We put our hands up to be a part of the first batch of schools because we were already covering all the criteria.”
Ms Falla said staff were “very excited” about Ms Kosky’s visit.
“It’s a chance to show off our wonderful learning environment,” she said.

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